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   New York Times bestselling author Katherine Stone began plotting her life at a very young age.  At age five she knew she hoped to become a doctor. Then, after writing her first short story
at eleven, she knew that she would love to be a writer, too.

She attended Stanford University, where, in pursuit of those dreams, she took premed courses while majoring in English. 

Katherine received her M.D. from the University of Washington, then returned to the Bay Area for her residency in internal medicine at the University of California San Francisco. Following her residency she moved to Los Angeles for her fellowship in infectious disease.


What remains one of the world’s largest outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease coincided with her infectious disease fellowship, which gave her the opportunity to write and lecture on the mysterious new illness. But there was also romance in Los Angeles. It was there (during a spinal tap!) that she met her future husband, physician and novelist Jack Chase (


While Katherine had realized her hope of becoming a physician, and was enjoying a career in academic medicine, the dream of becoming a writer was languishing until Jack presented her with a word processor and said "Just do it.”  The result has been her bestselling books in the distinctive Katherine Stone style:  a marriage of lyrical prose, evocative emotion, and, most of all, romance. She loves writing about nice people, who are giving life their best shot—despite the sometimes monumental obstacles she puts in their paths—and who discover, despite those obstacles, the splendor and power of love.

Katherine lives in the Pacific Northwest with Jack and their beloved canine girls.

All Contents © Katherine Stone 2024
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